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Verdant Dynasty Govt and Culture
The Verdant Dynasty is an umbrella state. It forms a parliament where each species is given a platform to air their problems. The local leaders of the races assemble within various cities to discuss policies. In short, the positions of power are held by representatives. The diverse nation-states will have two to four mediators specializing in different fields to ensure their viewpoints are heard and entertained. A voting system keeps all proceedings and decisions to guarantee a favorable outcome.
This has encouraged the extension of olive branches to gain favor among the vastly distinct races. They're all Jorgenskull, proceeded by their heritage within their minds. A camaraderie that has trickled down to even the lowliest of social classes, aiding a more serene integration. Adopting one another's holidays, language, and culture gives way to a unity that transcends their stark visual differences. The continued prosperity of the Dynasty supersedes their territories.
Cultural pollination has resulted from such dealings, furthering a sense of fellowship. The Matron is called to break such standstills if a dispute leads to a tie. Within their system, the role of the "Queen" holds little power. The monarch's influence is kept at a minimum to prevent corruption within the Senate. And while she can make proposals, the chieftain is beholden to the committee's determinations. The rationale behind such a unique leadership structure is that power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And it's less likely that a collective of ambassadors will fall prey to such taints and that wisdom can be found within a multitude over a singular person.
A hearing will be called if a member presents themselves as a threat. Should such allegations be substantiated, they will be executed for endeavoring to disrupt the equilibrium of the Verdant Dynasty.Â
The individual cultures of the races live alongside a predominant one. They are all Jorgenskull first and their respective races second. Such a custom has facilitated a concord across the diverse range of species and their perspectives. The jungle's inhabitants adorn themselves in colorful and complex threading, embellishing themselves with a kaleidoscopic array of peacock feathers and gold jewelry. Additionally, they can be seen sporting the furs and scales of local wildlife as a symbol of tribute to the natural order.Â
The expected greeting is a bow when a lesser meets a more prominent figure in social standing—youngsters to their elders and lower class to the upper echelon of society. Those within the court and military bash their dominant hand against their bosom as a gesture of respect. The act represents giving one's heart and thus allegiance to those governing over them. Those at the top reciprocate such reverence, and puffing one's breast with pride is considered unsightly. The affluent often hand out food to the lower class or alms to those who've suffered a recent tragedy.Â
The people share a common language. However, each species has its own dialect. They carry "ax money" around to pay for goods made of bone with a gold coating. On the front side are various skulls or spiders depending on the currency's value, and the back is always the tree of life.Â
Provincial “Chiefs “oversee each providence, representing their local tribe (Government.) However, the law of the Dynasty supersedes any legislation passed on a local level. The belief structure of each culture is respected when dealing with other groups. (For Example) If an area outlaws necromancy, that ruling won't apply to Bader'kerkhan due to their religious institutions and beliefs. Across all regions, the guards are regarded as an extension of the Dynasty. Therefore, any act of aggression or defiance is seen as an affront to the spirit of the empire.Â
Education across tribal (State) lines is permitted regardless of the species of the applicant. Despite their internal forbearance, the same rights and luxuries do not apply to outlanders. The rights of the people transcend any immigrants unless they're given a writ. Foreigners are seen universally with a degree of distrust. Open aggression isn't legal, but they will be wary until said nonnative demonstrates themselves. The universities are open to the public as long as they serve the state for eight years following the completion of their degree.Â
The structures of the Verdant Dynasty are either stone, wood, or, most commonly, Bone with spider webbings. The Jorgenskulls enhance the bone plating to be akin to steel. Their homes are sturdy and nearly fireproof, and the web system allows them to take them down and rebuild them to relocate in the event of a disaster.
The Verdant Dynasty's economic currency is Ax Money, a unique tribute to nature's resilience and the dynasty's enduring power. Crafted from the bones of fallen creatures, each piece of Ax Money bears the distinctive insignia of the spider and skull, symbols of both cunning and mortality. These bone coins, each a testament to the cycle of life and death, come in various sizes and shapes, intricately carved to resemble the form of an ax, a tool as essential to the forest dwellers as it is symbolic of their strength.
The value of Ax Money is not determined by mere metal or paper standards but rather by the size and weight of the bone currency itself. Larger, denser pieces command greater worth, reflecting the labor and resources required to procure and fashion them. In this way, the economy of the Verdant Dynasty is intimately bound to the land and its inhabitants, as the value of Ax Money mirrors the bounty and challenges of the jungle.
Transactions in the Verdant Dynasty are conducted with reverence for the natural world and the craftsmanship of the bone artisans. Traders and merchants carefully weigh and measure each piece of Ax Money, assessing its worth against goods and services exchanged. A skilled hunter might trade a hefty ax coin for a prized pelt, while a talented healer could earn a handful of smaller coins for their remedies.
But the economy of the Verdant Dynasty is not without its complexities. As with any currency, Ax Money is subject to fluctuation, influenced by factors such as scarcity of bone materials, the whims of traders, and even the mystical forces that linger within the forest's depths. Yet, despite these challenges, the people of the dynasty, with their resilience and adaptability, have learned to thrive. They forge bonds of trade and community that transcend the simple exchange of currency, shaping the very fabric of the economy.
The currency is a tangible reminder of the dynasty's resilience and ingenuity. As long as the forests endure, so will the economy that sustains the land and its people, rooted in the timeless cycle of life and death. For fairness and accuracy in valuing these bone coins, the state has mandated a stringent system of weights and measures, overseen by skilled artisans and enforced with the gravity of law.
At the heart of this system lie the Scales of Veracity, a finely crafted balances imbued with the state's authority. Carved from the sturdy wood of the ancient trees and adorned with intricate carvings depicting the spider and skull, these scales are both tools of commerce and symbols of justice. They are entrusted to the hands of select craftsmen, trained in the precise art of calibration and verification.
Before a trader may conduct business using Ax Money, state-appointed inspectors must scrutinize their scales. These inspectors, known as Weighmasters, possess a keen eye for detail and an unwavering commitment to impartiality. They test the scales against standardized weights, ensuring that each measurement is true and accurate to the finest degree.
Any attempt to falsify the weighing of Ax Money is met with swift and severe consequences. In the eyes of the state, such deception is not merely a crime against commerce but a betrayal of the very fabric of society. Those found guilty of tampering with the scales face the ultimate punishment: the penalty of death.
The severity of this punishment serves as a potent deterrent, preserving the integrity of the economy and safeguarding the trust upon which it relies. The weighing of Ax Money is more than a matter of commerce—it is a solemn duty, a testament to honor, and a reflection of the empire's enduring legacy.
The forest's bounty sustains both body and soul; taxation is more than a matter of economic necessity—it is a sacred obligation, a tribute paid to honor the lasting bond between the people and their rulers. Rooted in tradition and guided by the wisdom of ages past, the tax system of the dynasty reflects not only the economic needs of the state but also the intricate threading of social hierarchy and mutual respect.
At the heart of the taxation system lies the principle of tribute, a recognition of the abundant blessings bestowed by the land, and a gesture of gratitude towards the ruling dynasty. Taxes are not merely levied in the form of Ax Money but can also be paid for other resources vital to the community's well-being, such as food, livestock, metals, products (swords, nails etc), gold, silver, medicine, magical crystals etc etc.
The tax rate varies according to one's standing within society, with those of lower means subject to a 10% levy and their wealthier counterparts contributing 25% of their resources. Yet, far from being viewed as a burden, taxation is seen as an opportunity to demonstrate loyalty and devotion to the dynasty. Indeed, those who willingly offer more than the required tithe are accorded special honor and respect, and their generosity is celebrated as a testament to their prosperity and benevolence.
This tradition of tribute extends beyond mere economics, encompassing a more profound sense of communal responsibility and mutual support. In times of hardship, neighbors come together to share their burdens, pooling their resources to ensure the welfare of all. Likewise, the ruling dynasty, mindful of its duty to protect and nurture its subjects, reinvests tax revenues into vital infrastructure, education, and healthcare, fostering a society where all share prosperity.
Yet, for all its reverence and tradition, the tax system of the Verdant Dynasty is not without its challenges. Disputes over assessments, accusations of evasion, and the occasional rebellion against perceived injustice are all part of the canopy of governance. Nevertheless, through it all, the spirit of tribute endures, binding the people and their rulers in a bond as unyielding as the roots of the ancient trees that cradle their civilization.
Fines and Punishment
The concept of free speech is as foreign as the distant stars twinkling in the firmament. The laws of the land are as ancient and immutable as the towering trees that crown the forest canopy; the punishment for degeneracy (crime) is a solemn and grisly affair. Violating the sacred laws of the dynasty is not merely a transgression against society but a betrayal of the natural order itself, deserving of retribution that echoes the severity of the offense.
The sentence is swift and uncompromising when judgment is passed upon the guilty. There are no prisons in the Verdant Dynasty, for the forest is the executioner. Those guilty of degeneracy (Crimes) are brought before the judges (The Guards), chosen for their unwavering loyalty and unyielding resolve.
The punishment for degeneracy is a fine of flesh, a macabre tribute paid in blood and agony. With solemn ceremony, the condemned are given the grim task of selecting the part of their own body from which the poundage of flesh will be exacted. Each agonizing cut is made with a dull knife, a painful reminder of the consequences of straying from the path of righteousness.
But the penalty is even more severe for those who dare to defy the guards, attack, or attempt to flee from their judgment. Such acts of heresy are seen as a direct affront to the dynasty's authority, deserving of the ultimate punishment: death. Those who raise a hand against the guards, seek to escape the justice of the forest, or dare to speak ill of the rulers are swiftly dealt with; their lives forfeit to the unforgiving embrace of the ancient trees.
For those sentenced to death, there is no gallows or guillotine, no sterile chamber or darkened cell. Instead, they are nailed to the very trees that define the verdant realm, their bodies left to hang as a stark reminder to all who pass of the consequences of defiance. And as nature claims them, their remains become one with the forest, their fate a cautionary tale whispered on the wind for generations to come.
The punishment for the gravest of crimes (Murder, rape, treason.) is meted out with a chilling finality. For those who dare to spill blood upon the sacred earth, who commit the ultimate act of depravity, the judgment of the dynasty is swift and merciless.
When a murderer is apprehended, their fate is sealed with a sentence that strikes fear into the hearts of even the most hardened souls. First, their knees are broken, rendering them unable to flee or resist the fate that awaits them. Then, they are taken deep underground, to the heart of the forest's darkness, where the ancient roots intertwine, and the earth seems to pulse with a sinister life force.
There, in the depths where few dare to tread, the condemned are delivered into the clutches of the giant spiders that dwell in the shadows. These arachnids, ancient and inscrutable, are the guardians of the forest's deepest secrets, and they serve as both judge and executioner for those who have transgressed against the natural order.
With cold precision, the spiders lay their eggs inside the bodies of the murderers, implanting their progeny within the flesh of the condemned. And as the eggs gestate and hatch, the newborn spiders emerge, hungry and voracious, to feast upon the remains of their unwilling hosts. It is a fate both horrifying and poetic, a fitting punishment for those who have defiled the sanctity of life.
And so, in the darkness beneath the forest floor, the cycle of life and death continues unabated as the murderers are consumed by the very creatures they sought to defy. Their screams echo through the labyrinthine tunnels, a haunting reminder of the price paid for violating the ancient laws of the Verdant Dynasty.
The rulers of the Verdant Dynasty wield absolute authority over the land and its inhabitants; their decrees are as unyielding as the ancient oaks that stand sentinel over the forest. In their quest to maintain order and preserve nature's delicate balance, they have enacted stringent regulations governing every aspect of life within their domain.
Among these regulations are strict controls over the trade and possession of certain commodities deemed essential to the dynasty's prosperity and security. Bone, harvested from the fallen creatures of the forest, is carefully regulated, and its use is closely monitored to prevent overexploitation of the land's resources. Similarly, the environment is safeguarded, with laws protecting the delicate balance of flora and fauna that make the forest their home.
Spider silk, prized for its strength and versatility, is tightly controlled. Its production is overseen by skilled artisans under the watchful eye of the state. Arachnids, the weavers of this precious resource, are revered and protected, and their habitats are preserved as sanctuaries of natural beauty and wonder.
Even large mounts and caster guns, powerful tools of both transportation and defense, are subject to strict regulation. Only those with the proper papers and licenses may possess such items, and any unauthorized use or possession is met with the harshest of penalties.
In the Verdant Dynasty, carrying any of these regulated goods without the proper authorization invites swift and merciless judgment. Such defiance is viewed as tantamount to treason, a betrayal of the dynasty's authority, and a threat to the very fabric of society. Those found guilty of such heinous crimes are swiftly brought to justice, their fate sealed with the ultimate punishment: death.
And so, in the shadow of the ancient trees that have borne witness to countless generations, the rulers of the Verdant Dynasty maintain their iron grip on power, their authority unchallenged, and their laws enforced with ruthless efficiency.
In the sprawling expanse of the Verdant Dynasty, where the roots of ancient trees entangle with the mysteries of ancient civilizations, the regulation of certain commodities extends even to the relics and artifacts unearthed from the depths of forgotten ruins. These treasures, steeped in the echoes of history and imbued with the whispers of the past, are not merely objects of wealth but sacred links to the ancestors who once walked the land.
The dynasty's rulers have enacted strict laws governing the acquisition and possession of these relics to preserve their integrity and the safety of those who seek them. For within the crumbling walls of the ruins lie untold dangers, from ancient traps and curses to the restless spirits of those who once called these places home.
The regulation of artifacts serves a dual purpose: to limit the temptation of would-be adventurers who seek fortune at the expense of their own lives and to protect the richness of history that lies hidden within the forest's depths. By controlling access to these ancient sites and carefully monitoring the trade of their relics, the dynasty seeks to safeguard the heritage of the land and honor the memories of those who came before.
Thus, artifacts from ruins join the ranks of bone, spider silk, arachnids, large mounts, caster guns, and rare materials as commodities tightly regulated by the state. Carrying any of these without the proper papers and licenses is not only a violation of the law but a reckless disregard for personal safety and the preservation of history.
Those who dare to flout these regulations and venture into the ruins without authorization do so at their peril. For in the darkness that cloaks these ancient halls, the shadows hold wondrous and terrible secrets, and the price of trespassing upon sacred ground is often paid with blood.
And so, in the verdant realm where the forest's embrace holds both beauty and danger in equal measure, the rulers of the Verdant Dynasty stand as guardians of the past, their laws a shield against the ravages of time and the folly of greed. For in the preservation of history lies the preservation of the dynasty itself, a legacy that stretches back through the ages and forwards into eternity.